The World in Flux – As It Keeps Turning (#235)
John McCain, A Rare American Republican (#234)
The Trump Crime Syndicate is Falling Down (#233)
Canada - In the Age of the Bully Nations (#232)
With North Korea – Trump Re-treads Bill Clinton’s Ground (#229)
Trump – Mueller – And the New America (#228)
The Big Tent of Lies - & Trump Follies (#227)
A Dream for Some – Despair and Death for Others (#225)
Trump’s Folly – And the Big Lies (#224)
Trump - Tale of Two Deals – Iran & North Korea (#223)
The Rogue President - And the Complicit Republicans (#222)
The Summit That Will Shape - South East Asia (#221)
The Storm Blew In – With Promise of More Turbulence (#220)
Any Which Way – Stormy Daniels Wins, Trump Loses (#218)
Moderation Out - American Hawkishness In (#219)
Trump’s Reign: Nero-Style - The Burning of Rome (#217)
The Hollowing-Out of Rex Tillerson (#216)
America’s Nemesis – Trump (#215)
Trudeau’s Turbulent India Trip – Or When the Prince Kissed the Frog (#214)
V.P. Mike Pence - President in Waiting? (#213)